Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Ebola & Business Continuity

As most of our readers know, this is the time when we usually publish our Halloween edition. The current Ebola epidemic, however, is scaring many people and we thought instead it might help to shed some light on this issue and let you know some things you should be considering during this or any health crisis. It is likely an epidemic will not occur in the U.S., but we should know what to do if even a small outbreak happens.

Take some time to review and reflect about the current situation and determine what steps your firm can take to prepare your organization and employees for the potential threats that are growing and spreading around the world. (Item #1)   What should business continuity professionals be doing about Ebola now? (Item #2)   It is time to dust off your pandemic preparedness and response plan in order to prepare your organization for the impact on business operations due to an outbreak of the Ebola virus. (Item #3)

Some experts recommend doing a business impact analysis to ascertain the possible consequences of a disruption due to an Ebola outbreak. (Item #4)   Ebola may never reach endemic levels in your area, but recognizing the signs, having a strong plan in place, and being health conscious will offer you greater success in the event that it or any other infectious disease heads your way. (Item #5)   Here is a guide for the best sources of information about Ebola or any medical crisis. (Item #6)

Past issues of the NewsBriefs are available at

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Insurance & Business Continuity

Whether you've bought business interruption insurance or you’re just thinking about it, it’s important to understand how it works. What does it cover or not cover? At what levels? How important is it to business continuity? These questions and more are answered in this week’s articles, which include a new insurance just introduced: business interruption Ebola insurance (see item #6).

Most business owners view the whole insurance purchase and claims process as a black art; here’s a plain-language focus on explaining it. (Item #1)   Business continuity planning might or might not lower insurance premiums. (Item #2)   Is life insurance on key people in your organization part of your BC planning? (Item #3)

When do small businesses need interruption insurance? (Item #4)   Before you get business interruption insurance here are some issues to consider. (Item #5)   As Ebola appears in various spots across the globe, the insurance industry this week launched a new product to provide coverage for losses incurred as a result of government-mandated closures. (Item #6)

Past issues of the NewsBriefs are available at

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Crisis Communication/Reputation Management

One of the oldest maxims in media training is "If you don't want to see it in print, or hear it on the news, then don't say it." Once you've said it, it can't be unsaid, and your organization could suffer from a thoughtless or careless remark. Today, there are even more ways than interviews to get in trouble;  Twitter, Facebook, and the many other instant communication sites have caused embarrassment to more than one company or individual. (See Item #6) So, if you can't take back what you said, what can you do to protect your reputation and diminish the impact of your mistake?

What are some of the key issues to consider when contemplating the development of a crisis communications program?  (Item #1)   A good crisis communications plan doesn't just build itself. (Item #2)   As the ultimate unplanned activity, a crisis does not lend itself to conventional "command and control" management practices. (Item #3)

Chief executives are now generally expected to be good communicators. (Item #4)   For businesses and individuals that might be prone to online criticism, there are rules to live by. (Item #5)   The primary task for social media handlers is to engage with users at every available opportunity, but doing so can backfire if you’re not careful. (Item #6)

Past issues of the NewsBriefs can be found at

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Meetings & Events

As you plan your meetings & events, you always need to ensure you have a backup plan in case something happens that would seriously impact your event. Those experienced with event planning know that, as the saying goes, anything that can go wrong will. The only way to guard against total meeting failure is to plan ahead to deal with identifiable risks... and hope you haven’t missed any. This week’s articles can help you focus.

What if a major storm or other external crisis disrupted one of your big events? What would you do? (Item #1)   As the variety of event venue options available to planners grows, so do the challenges associated with site safety and security. (Item #2)   A recent study took a look at top technology concerns of event planners and determined that content security was the top technology concern among them. (Item #3)

Any special event introduces new variables into the security equation (Item #4)   This article explores the first two of the vital "steps" to event safety. (Item #5)   Here's what you need to know to be prepared for your next event. (Item #6)

Subscribe and read past issues of the NewsBriefs at

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Hurricane season will be with us until November, then winter storms will be coming. Severe storms of any kind could require that you shelter in place in your office building or at home. Other incidents -- accidents, toxic spills, gunshots, etc. -- also could mandate that you shelter in place. This week’s articles focus on how to prepare to shelter in place. Share these with your employees, colleagues and family to ensure everyone is safe in the event of a major storm.

In some cases, sheltering in place may be required by circumstances or by local authorities. (Item #1) If you are told to shelter-in-place, follow the steps below to keep you and your family safe during an emergency. (Item #2)   Shelter-in-place plans at your workplace should include the items in this article. (Item #3)

Are you prepared to stay in your home or office for several days if need be? (Item #4)   Sheltering in place at your workplace is similar to sheltering in place at home, but there are significant differences. (Item #5)   This information from FEMA will help you put together a shelter-in-place kit. (Item #6)

Past issues of the NewsBriefs are available at