Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Getting Buy-in

Buy-in. Without it, sometimes you just can’t get plans approved or implemented. You need management approval to get started, but you need everyone’s buy-in to make plans successful. The articles below discuss getting buy-in from everyone in order to bring your plans to reality and to actually put them into use.

Here are some common problems encountered when implementing a new project and practical steps to overcome these. (Item #1) Managers don’t often see the value in projects that don't immediately deliver ROI. (Item #2) Buy-in is achieved by continually including, in all aspects of the implementation process, the people who will use and be responsible for the solution. (Item #3)

Here are five steps toward management buy-in. (Item #4) These tips will help you get your proposals accepted. (Item #5) The cost of not getting buy-in is immense. (Item #6)

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