Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Employee Issues

Everyone says it – our employees are our most important asset – but many employers don’t take the proper steps to either maintain the safety of that asset or to prevent legal problems brought by employees. You have to engage, not just inform, your employees. You need to ensure that proper background checks rule out people who could be a danger to your workforce. In addition to hiring, you need to know how and how not to fire people. This week’s articles focus on these important topics and can provide you with good hints and tips.

Employers face challenging issues relative to employee safety and security. (Item #1) Here are four reasons that IT executives charged with BC/RM/DR need to consider their employees heavily in their plan. (Item #2) Unless you've followed good practices to enable you to defend against termination claims, at-will employment status of your employees will do no more than look good on paper. (Item #3)

If you want to avoid legal action, then you should avoid making these employee termination errors. (Item #4)  Everybody needs HR, both in good times and not-so-good times; the business continuity planner is no exception. (Item #5) The business losses that can be reduced by background screening - including turnover, theft/fraud, and catastrophic events (and their resultant legal losses) - add up to over $1.5 trillion annually. (Item #6)

Read it in its entirety at

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