Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Getting Management Buy-in

No matter what the project, management buy-in is critical to its success, and it’s no different with your business continuity plan. A champion on the board or in the executive suite can help keep things on course and make it easier for a project that essentially is viewed as overhead. This week’s articles contain some tips on how to make getting buy-in easier.

Here are some tips on how to persuade execs to consider BC more carefully. (Item #1) When it comes down to it, the bottom line is always the best argument. (Item #2) Buy-in is critical to getting the funding you need for business continuity. (Item #3)

What should management’s role be beyond buy-in? (Item #4) Here’s how to frame BC issues in order to persuade the Board support them. (Item #5) Your management champion can make it much easier to initiate and maintain plans. (Item #6)

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