Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Mass Notification Emergency Communication

Communication is critical during and after an emergency... to maintain continuity of operations, protect organizational reputation, providing customer/member satisfaction. What is your plan for identifying and implementing your critical mass communication needs? From how emergency notifications work to how to sell them to the management team, this week’s articles can help you figure it all out.

Poor communication is often to blame for turning an emergency into a catastrophe. (Item #1) Counting on the fact that everyone has a cell phone could be a grave error for emergency planners. (Item #2) It’s not enough to blast a message to everyone. It’s crucial that the message is understood. (Item #3)

Here are 12 best practices that apply to the corporate world. (Item #4) Do you know what issues to consider when pricing an emergency notification system? (Item #5) Today, most Business Continuity professionals recognize the need and value of an emergency notification system, but, as with so many other BCP requirements, the budget isn't there. What to do? (Item #6)

The entire issue is available at

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