Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Building Safety and Security

If you own your building, there are many concerns and regulations to consider. If you rent your space, many of the same issues are also important. As the quote implies, it's about the people first. So, while you want to protect the building and assure its longevity, you first need to have plans in place to get everyone safely out of the building and to keep them safe indoors if required. The concerns addressed in this issue -- civil unrest, for example -- might be good scenarios to test your plan against.

From bad building designs to management that ignores badge rules, here are the top building security mistakes. (Item #1)   An expert explains why smart buildings bring a new range of potential vulnerabilities that need management and mitigation. (Item #2)   Here are some actions that property owning organizations can take to better protect facilities, tenants and employees from civil unrest. (Item #3)

Managers in all settings can benefit from these tips on contingency plans for terrorist attacks. (Item #4)   Occupants can fill key roles in the process of clearing a building. (Item #5)   Making fire extinguishers available is not enough; people have to know how to use them; share this video with everyone. (Item #6)

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