Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Meeting and Event Planning

Most meeting & event planners have seen more than their share of disasters and near-disasters in the years they have worked in this field. But, regardless how much you've been through, you've not seen every possible thing that can happen. This week, our articles focus on avoiding and handling disasters at events and meetings and steps you can take to help you do this. One important thing to remember is to do your research on the venue and its location so you’ll have a better idea of what types of disasters or disruptions could occur -- strikes, demonstrations, weather, etc. If you have a big event coming up, perhaps it would be a good idea to meet now with your team to brainstorm possible problems and solutions.

Here are five potential conference fails you will want to avoid, and how you can prepare for them. (Item #1)   No matter what type of event trouble you’re facing, here’s how to get things back on track and avoid disaster.  (Item #2)   Vivid nightmares that often haunt a planner in the days prior to an event could become reality. (Item #3)

Failures in the planning and administration process also can derail an event. (Item #4)   Protect guests and crew by planning for any contingency in inclement weather at outdoor gatherings. (Item #5)   Here are five things meeting planners can do to make meetings safer; it’s not a comprehensive crisis preparedness plan, but it’s a start.  (Item #6)   Take a look at this checklist and list of resources for planners; you might find some good tips here. (Item #7)

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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Reputation Management

Do you know what people think of your company or organization? If so, how do you know? If not, why don't you know? Your reputation is one of your most marketable assets, and it needs to be looked after the way you would any other valuable asset. So, what are you doing to take care of it? The authors of this week's articles have good advice on the subject. Why not convene a meeting of the executive team and/or the BC team and see what more you could be doing to protect your valuable reputation.

Search engine optimization experts share tips and tools to help you manage your company's online reputation. (Item #1)   Here are the five new reasons a CEO should care about their online reputations. (Item #2)   What people say about your company online has become the single most important reflection of your company's quality, reliability, and skill.  (Item #3)

Can you put a price tag on corporate reputation management? (Item #4)   These six tools can make managing your online reputation a breeze. (Item #5)   These essential ORM strategies & tactics can save your ASSets.  (Item #6)

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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Business Continuity

Business Continuity Awareness Week begins March 16, and the theme for this year's observance is "Putting Your Plans to the Test." According to the Business Continuity Institute, they want to call attention to the importance of testing and exercising and of ensuring that all staff understand this importance and know what to do in the event of an actual disruption. Some studies have shown that many companies have not tested their plans in more than a year; have you tested yours? Perhaps now is a good time to plan -- and conduct -- an exercise.

You cannot stop every incident from affecting your business but you can put a business continuity plan in place to try and keep your business going. (Item #1)   Use any of these business disruption scenarios to test your plan.  (Item #2)   You can take actions to help protect emotional well-being during a shelter-in-place emergency.  (Item #3)

How often you test your plan depends on how well you want it to work. (Item #4)   Not having a plan, and not exercising the plan, is almost like making the same mistake twice -- and the result can be devastating to your business. (Item #5)   Support BC week by downloading these posters and sharing them within your organization or online using social media. (Item #6)

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Wednesday, March 4, 2015


What kind of a shelter-in-place plan does your organization have? Do you have a designated location, food, water, protective masks, etc.? Will your plan cover every possible reason to shelter in place? It’s probably not possible to prepare for anything that could possibly happen, but are you satisfied you’re ready for the most likely possible reasons? If you have not revisited your plan lately, it may be time to do so and make updates based on current threats in the world right now.

Shelter-in-place may not actually mean staying exactly where you are. (Item #1)   Shelter in Place is designed for those situations in which it is safer for employees to remain in the building than to evacuate. (Item #2)   You can take actions to help protect emotional well-being during a shelter-in-place emergency. (Item #3)

These links will take you to NICS documents and other information related to sheltering in place. (Item #4)   It's important for landlords to be familiar with their shelter-in-place obligations because providing shelter at a residential property requires the cooperation of employees, tenants, and any visitors who happen to be on the property at the time of the emergency. (Item #5)   There are legal issues with sheltering in place that can’t be ignored. (Item #6)

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