Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Workplace Violence

February 20, 2019 - Just one year and a day after the anniversary of the Parkland shooting, another workplace active shooter took five lives in Illinois. Such violence has become so commonplace that it's critical we know what to do in the event of an active shooter or other violence -- and also how to recognize potential trouble and what to do about it. This issue can be helpful in determining your policies with regard to workplace violence.

This article about workplace violence answers these questions for the health and safety of your employees. (Item #1)   For some occupations, violence is the 3rd leading cause of death. (Item #2)   Where there is awareness of workplace violence, there is prevention. (Item #3)

Workplace violence prevention policies must be carefully crafted and legally balanced to offer support for victims and consequences for perpetrators. (Item #4)   With mass shootings on the rise, experts share best practices for training employees how to react in an active shooter situation at work. (Item #5)   You're at work and suddenly you think you hear a gunshot. What do you do? (Item #6)

For the full issue, click here.

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