Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Getting Management Buy-In

Over the years, we have talked about the importance of getting management buy-in for business continuity plans. Once again, we have collected some articles that can help you attain the buy-in you need as you develop and refine your plans. In addition, some of the needs of the C-suite have changed and article #2 talks about how to sell to the modern C-suite. Also, once the senior execs are on board, you do need to get middle management engaged and supportive (see item #6).

Paradoxically, support for BC/DR is just as unlikely to come from below—putting you in the awkward position of convincing the organization to value business continuity only after you help senior management see they need to find it valuable, too. (Item #1)   By showing the C-suite that BCP can help them meet their unique objectives, your organization as a whole can reap the benefits of having a plan. (Item #2)   Here are 10 tips for getting executive support for your BC program. (Item #3)

These brief videos can help you increase awareness and understanding of the importance of Business Continuity to your organization. (Item #4)   The information provided can very well be the organization's first steps of business continuity or a revitalization of an existing program that's become archaic or dysfunctional. (Item #5)   You've gotten the support of executive management; now how do you get middle management on board? (Item #6)

Past issues of the NewsBriefs are available at

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