Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Testing Your Business Continuity Plan

Although your business continuity plan is supported by state-of-the-art technology and superb written documentation, it could still fail if you don’t test it now and then. Regardless of how wonderful a plan may look on paper, you will run the risk that things just won’t work in an emergency if you haven’t tested the plan. This week’s articles provide some help for testing and exercising your plans.

The primary reason to exercise is to identify limitations of business continuity plans. (Item #1) What are the keys to a successful business continuity exercise? (Item #2) Planning is good, but practice makes perfect. (Item #3)

How can you make business continuity training a top priority? (Item #4) Establishing a testing and exercise program within the organization reduces the risk of failed recovery and has many benefits. (Item #5) Testing your BCP using a simulated disaster helps ensure success in the event of an actual disaster. (Item #6)  And finally, check out what a few of Attainium's customer have experienced with their plan testing and exercising. (Item #7)

You may also want to learn more about Attainium's Plan Testing and Exercising services  which range from prepackaged Conduct It Yourself scenarios to custom tabletop exercises designed for your specific requirements and delivered at your location.

The entire issue is available at http://www.attainium.net/newsbriefs

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