Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Business Continuity Planning

How's your business continuity plan working for you? What happened when you tested it? If there were failures, are you fixing the cause? A BCP has to be a living thing... you can't write it down, put it on a shelf and expect it to adapt to a situation two years later. It requires updating, re-thinking, and, of course, testing. When's the last time you reviewed and updated it? Don't wait; do it now. Don't have a plan? Start one today.

You've been asked to formalize a business continuity program... now what? (Item #1)   Being prepared is the cornerstone of having a business continuity plan regardless of the size of a company. (Item #2)   This article explores the common business continuity-related mistakes and pitfalls that lead to wasting time, money, and effort and provides solutions. (Item #3)

Here are a few important components to include in your small business continuity planning program. (Item #4)   Business continuity planning is an area often neglected by technological innovation, but the resulting efficiencies may prove to be a life line and an investment that ultimately pays for itself.  (Item #5)   Here are 10 reasons why business continuity plans fail. (Item #6) 

Past issues of the NewsBriefs are available at

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