Monday, August 10, 2009

Success Stories

In this week's Business Continuity NewsBriefs we present our annual success story issue, featuring articles that show how business continuity plans helped – or could have helped – businesses facing actual disruption scenarios. We often find value in seeing how someone else handled a situation we could face; we hope you will find some tips to apply to your own plans.

Here’s a two-part story that shows why intellectual property theft can be a genuine business continuity threat and offers some crisis management lessons from a real-life IP theft situation. (Item #1) What can other companies learn from the Mattel crisis? (Item #2) When pornographic spam threatened his company's reputation, a CSO got a lesson in calling for outside help. (Item #3)

AT&T has its business continuity planning down cold. (Item #4) This San Francisco firm’s considerable input to its business continuity plan saved the day. (Item #5) Effective business continuity planning has allowed clothes retailer Primark to restart its supply chain 48 hours after fire destroyed its principal stock warehouse last Tuesday. (Item #6)

Check this and previous issues at

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