Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Getting Management Buy-In

In many organizations, the biggest business continuity issues are communication and getting buy-in and funding. Because business continuity has no instant return on investment, it is extremely difficult to measure its value. It is viewed as a cost center, not a revenue item. As a result, BC is often pushed into the background in favor of activities that positively affect the bottom line. This week’s articles are selected to help you gain the buy-in you need to get your BCP off the ground.

How do you get management attention for your BC project? (Item #1) Senior management is important, but how about everyone else in the organization? (Item #2) You want to do BC training, but you need management support. (Item #3)

Let management know what you and your BC team bring to the party. (Item #4) What does your presentation need to be effective and get the buy-in you want? (Item #5) Maybe communication is the answer to the problem of getting buy-in. (Item #6)

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