Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Getting Management Buy-In

Although business continuity planning is considered by many to be critical, there may be some executives who still don’t see the need and are unwilling to invest money in BCP. If you work in such an organization, this week’s articles may provide you with some helpful information and tactics you need to get buy-in to begin or expand your business continuity plan.

Statistics and scare tactics don’t work on senior management; instead the starting point is ensuring that you have a deep understanding of the business landscape, strategies and risks. (Item #1)   Here are a few tips that can help you in getting internal buy-in for your BC program. (Item #2)   Aside from pulling the plug, here are some strategies for selling DR to the C-Suite. (Item #3)

Continuous commitment by senior management helps in institutionalizing business continuity into organizational culture. (Item #4)   In the absence of an event or other external mandate, how do you keep management engaged and willing to continuously invest in organizational preparedness? (Item #5)   How do you ensure buy-in when by definition top management is, well, at the top? (Item #6)

Past issues of the NewsBriefs are available at

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